
5 Beautifully Badass Blogs You Need To Read

The other day I was thinking how I probably spend just as much, if not more time reading others blogs as I do working on my own. I love seeing people share the love by recommending other bloggers sites so I thought I’d do the same. Every month, I’ll share a collection of blogs, big and small, that have inspired me, made me smile, or that I’ve just generally been loving lately.


I’ve been wanting to do this kind of post for a while, and when I was mentioned in one by the lovely Shan-Jade I remembered just how feckin lovely it is to hear the nice things someone has to say about your blog. I think a lot of my posts tend to be kinda self-centered, which is fine, it’s my blog after all. But I do want to spread a bit of that peace and love, so this is definitely gonna be a regular thing!

So, in no particular order, here’s 5 beautifully badass blogs you need to check out:

Fii is such a sweetie, she writes a lifestyle, beauty and fashion blog drawing inspiration from the bae that is K-Fashion, and writes some awe-inspiring stuff about current events too. I love her personal style, and her blogs layout is just stunning. It’s a perfect balance of creative and professional looking. Reading her posts always inspires me! She is also a fan of Black Mirror, just saying.

My IRL friend Hannah has a wonderful lil’ beauty blog. I honestly enjoy her writing style so much and she’s such a lovely and creative person all round. She is seriously great at going into detail when describing products, something I could definitely learn from! She also has amazing hand- lettering skills, a penchant for adorable vintage dresses, and newly dyed pastel locks!

Rebecca is predominantly a fashion/outfit blogger, with stunning photos full of whimsy and beautiful vintage accents. You might have seen her circling on Pinterest before. Rebecca lives in the cutest yellow-doored cottage in Ireland and writes candid posts that are a joy to read, whether or not you love the outfit featured (I do 10/10 times so) To top it off she has the most gorgeous Insta – her photography is a thing of envy. Check it out!

Elly writes a blog chronicling her life living with Borderline Personality Disorder, an often very misunderstanding mental illness that is sometimes compared to Bipolar Disorder. I also have BPD and I admire how much detail Elly goes into about it. I think it’s a brave thing to do and it definitely brings comfort to other sufferers of BPD, or any mental illness! Besides that, Elly is a lovely, caring, kickass warrior and reading her posts has honestly inspired me.

Jemma is someone I really admire, partly because her blog is just full of awesome posts, but also because she’s someone who makes a living from blogging, which is just goals, basically. It’s no easy feat, and the dedication a do hard work Jenna puts into her blog is obvious, she cranks out so many good quality posts, She is the creator of #thegirlgang, an amazing blogging community, and is also a drawer of cute illustrations and website headers. She honestly seems like the loveliest gal’ and her posts always fill me with positivity.

Guys! There’s  so many more blogs I’d love to include, the pain is real. Unfortunately for the sake of time and me not rambling for eternity, that’s all for now.

Let me know who’s blogs you’ve been loving this month! Do you have any recommendations for the next post?

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